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Monday, August 28, 2006

Ingenious New Nintendo Console -- "Wii" can save our thumbs!

When I was a litle kid, I remember watching my dad play "Stampede" on the Atari 500. I was amazed at his display of brute exertion in order to will the horserider towards the scurrying cattle. Over a period of time, the poor joystick would become mangled because my pops bent the crap out of it so much so that the rubber coating came off exposing the white plastic stick. Now, anyone who has played video games knows that bending and jerking the controller does not affect the outcome of the game but people still do it anyway. That is why the next generation Nintendo video game console called Wii (pronounced "we") will preserve its controllers and prevent callouses on over-extended thumbs worldwide.

What makes the Nintendo Wii so different is that it has a wireless controller that acts like a wand. If you're playing a tennis game, you'll physically swing the controller to hit a virtual ball. You'll also be able to slash away at zombies, rally your car through rough terrain, or compete in the Summer Olympics all through the physical use of the unique Wii controller. One console allows up to 4 people to play at once so you'll have to make sure to put Nemo and his fish bowl a safe distance away from your Pete Sampras-smash.

Hopefully the Wii will be out by the end of 2006 and it shouldn't burn a hole in your pocket as much as the 360 or PS3. Heck, I'd get the system for Super Smash Bros. Brawl alone! My thumbs will thank me for it.


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