GBX ninja shoes

I discovered these awesome shoes in my Men's Health magazine (an excellent read by the way). They're probably the best shoes that I have ever worn! For little over $60 bucks (at DSW) you can get a really cool pair of shoes that are extremely comfortable and versatile. I call them "ninja" shoes because they are so quiet you could sneak up on anyone and assassinate them Jack Bauer style.

Believe me, I've never been a shoe guy, but I gotta admit these make my other tennis shoes look like freeway finds. For you dudes (or ladies looking to makeover your men) out there looking for some cool, affordable shoes that fit well and can go with almost any style, check out these GBX "ninja" shoes. Once you put them on, you'll find the urge to stealthfully approach your enemies like Snake from Metal Gear. Try not to do it to your dog, roomate, or girlfriend because they can bite.
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