I'm In Love With...

This blog is dedicated to the things we love in life. We'll be blogging about many subjects, but we'll always include something that we're currently in love with. We welcome video clips, images, buddy icons, wallpaper and other things you love and have created out of love.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tom Cruise Gets Dumped

I guess Paramount doesn't agree with Tom's off-screen antics. Can you blame them? I wouldn't feel comfortable investing with him either. When it comes to money, Hollywood big-wigs aren't willing to take a chance. Who knows when audiences will be offended enough to stop paying to watch his movies.

I know it's silly, but I stopped watching his films after he hooked up with Penelope "Pinched Bird Face" Cruz. She irritates me to high heaven!
Anyway, now I'm pleased again.


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