I'm In Love With...

This blog is dedicated to the things we love in life. We'll be blogging about many subjects, but we'll always include something that we're currently in love with. We welcome video clips, images, buddy icons, wallpaper and other things you love and have created out of love.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


is a really cool Website. You type in a favorite song or artist and the program will create a station based on that choice. It'll play music of the same genre. It's free, although you do have to register as a member. Once you've got your music station going, you can tailor your musical likes and dislikes by giving songs a thumbs up or down. There are ads in the window, but I always minimize it, so it doesn't affect me anyway. So far I haven't heard any audio ads so there are no disruptions. It's a neat way to find new music and it's better than most free streaming music programs b/c there are no commericials. Enjoy!


Blogger Tim Cabell said...

Pandora users should also check out http://pandorastations.crispynews.com a sort of Digg for your Pandora stations.



5:28 PM  

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