Bourne Again

Come witness the rebirth of the action genre. Forget the bald grandpa in Die Hard and screw those ridiclous anime rip-offs in Transformers. There's only one true awakening this summer and it's through the salvation of Bourne.
The third installment that, unlike other '07 summer trilogy finales, promises to be just as good or even better than the last, The Bourne Ultimatum is assuredly going to be the most fulfilling summer movie of 2007. Directed by the talented Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy, United 93, Bloody Sunday), this movie will slap that bitter pirate taste left in your mouth. Now, I admit that Knocked Up (one of the best of the year so far) was the only su-mo I saw but everything else seemed to reek of the bad 'B's (Bruckheimer and Bay). That's why, given the history of the Bourne franchise and the eye-locking direction of Greengrass, Ultimatum should provide those who seek more than played-out plots, goofy costumes, CGI and THX raping of the senses, and one-dimensional models trained by watching The OC.
Don't get me wrong, the Die Hard movies were a childhood staple but McClane in Live Free or Die Hard looks like he needs a cane while Bourne will use a cane to snap a foe's femur. Robots in disguise excited me as a 6 year old but 20 years older, I need demonstrations o
n how to make pesky villians bleed using Office Depot products to tickle my fancy. I'll probably get a few kicks from Transformers from when I eventually get around to watching it but the thought of contributing money to a super-hack like this douchebag makes think of the pain I felt during his P.O.S. Pearl Harbor. For your sake, Michael Bay, I hope Bourne doesn't think you had something to do with his f'd up past.
Don't get me wrong, the Die Hard movies were a childhood staple but McClane in Live Free or Die Hard looks like he needs a cane while Bourne will use a cane to snap a foe's femur. Robots in disguise excited me as a 6 year old but 20 years older, I need demonstrations o

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